Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Magic Christian Music

What happens when you put together ex-members of the Flamin' Groovies, the Plimsouls, and add a drummer who's been in every powerpop band that has ever existed? You get Magic Christian! Their sound veers more toward 60's garage punk and R&B, but they can put a nice melody together when they want to. They have one disc out now on Repeat Records, with a new one in the works that will come out on the Cynics Get Hip label.

Here are the boys performing live at SXSW:


  1. Cyril Jordan AND Clem Burke?

    Be still my beating heart!!!!!

    Seriously -- how come I haven't heard about this before?

  2. Who's the vocalist?

    He's a ringer for the guy in the Chocolate Watchband.



  3. Seriously -- how come I haven't heard about this before?

    You HAVE Steve, you just doan remember - I've been raving about them for a while. Have seen them twice in recent months - man, I could watch Clem Burke all night. It's like Keith Moon never went away!
    (And CJ kinda reminds me of you...)
    - bill buckner

  4. Thanks for the great post & info, KC.

  5. Raw, passionate, hard-driving rock ... man, that's no way to get radio play.
