Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I've Got a Plan... Stick It to the Man!

Bruce Springsteen's Superbowl Half-Time Show, part I...

..and Part II.

Come and get me, Universal! Yada yada yada!!!!



    The one and only.

  2. Enjoyed that again, Steve. Thanks!

    And sorry if this is a stupid question (I'm not up on all-things-Bruce), but is Nils Lofgren no longer in the band?

  3. Nils still in the band. That's him on the left doing the modified Chuck Berry moves....

  4. Nils Lofgren, rock and roll Zelig.

    Bruce looks a lot like Tom Jones these days.

  5. best half time ever ! hes the best

  6. So can someone explain to me why I can't fucking download this halftime show from, say, iTunes? I'm willing to pay the $1.99, or fuck it, even $3.99. for it. BUT I FUCKING CAN'T! NFL/NBC/Columbia Records DOESN'T WANT MY MONEY! So you know what I did? I fired up uTorrent and got it off Pirate Bay. NICE FUCKING JOB, NFL/RECORD COMPANY WEASELS!!! Jesus fucking Christ, it's like the whole past ten years never fucking happened for these morons...

  7. Is there a Grammy category for spontaneous choreography?

  8. The old media just don't get it.

    This was available literally the next day via any number of BitTorrent websites. As a promotion for the upcoming tour, it was invaluable.

    Have they all forgotten the concept of the "loss leader"?

    (BTW, great great halftime show -- right up there with Prince's.)

  9. The NFL are idiots ... don't the understand that if people see it here and like it, they may actually buy it? I mean, it isn't exactly the most thrilling experience watching it in a 3 x 4 window and listening to it through my tinny computer speakers.

  10. Dave, their is nothing more disappointing than a stupid capitalist.


  11. who the fuck needs a halftime Super Bowl concert anyway?
