Saturday, February 28, 2009

Late Saturday Night Glam Blogging...

I don't know, but the general beef is that the Sweet bubblegummed glam, but this song seems pretty heavy to me...

Happy Satday night!


  1. Who cares about their bona fides? The Sweet were so much better than most of the hipper glam bands. What's in the grooves is what's important.

  2. Yes. They totally rocked.

  3. The Sweet, huh? Reminds me, I have to call the dentist tomorrow ... for some reason, the Youngbloods' Sugar Babe just started playing in my head. Anyone got any skittles?

  4. As I listen to this (from 1974) and compare dates, I ask, "Was The Sweet an influence of Queen?"

  5. yes Queen took what the Sweet had started and ran with it. The sweet are underrated as a band and as an influence on other artists. Spinal tap rocks the sweet vibe.

  6. You know, I can't listen to Sweet (especially when watching video) and *not* think of Spinal Tap. That's what the best Glam was to me, just a rocking good time. Bowie fucked it all up with his art pretenses.

  7. Yeah, it's a weird genre that way, how there are avant-garde-y songs and bubblegummy songs that both fall into the Glam category. There's kind of a cool place where The Sweet and David Bowie shake hands though, at least sonically: "Blockbuster" and "The Jean Genie." Both tunes sorta stomp around on a similar guitar riff, know what I mean?
