Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Tap is Back...

Reported in last Wednesday's Guardian, legendary spoof-rockers Spinal Tap:

... will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the This is Spinal Tap mockumentary by releasing a new album, their first since 1992's Break Like The Wind. "It'll be for download as well as on conventional media later this year," Harry Shearer (aka bassist Derek Smalls) confirmed to BBC 5 Live.

According the article, "the band have yet to announce their new drummer."


  1. Fuckin' A!!

    Although I doubt they can top "Break Like the Wind."

    "Bitch School" and "The Majesty of Rock" are as good as it gets...

  2. TURN IT UP TO 11!!!


  3. I hope they pass over Grohl for their next victim, I mean drummer.

    Trey - whose word verification was "rearpane" Big bottoms rule!

  4. I only like their early stuff. The Thamesmen - there was a great band.

  5. Noam,

    Have to agree. John "Stumpy" Pepys was the Keith Moon of his time.
