Thursday, April 09, 2009

Oh For Crap's Sake, Not Another Early Clue to the New Direction!

From 1970 and the album Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus, here's Spirit, featuring their splendidly monikered lead guitarist Randy California, and the exquisite ecologically-themed ballad "Nature's Way."

As always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.


  1. I have no idea what you're trying to say, I just love that song!

  2. steve simels4/09/2009 2:34 PM

    Me too.

    Any excuse...

  3. i love love this song

  4. Nancy Willing4/09/2009 4:04 PM

    The whole album is wicked good!

  5. Places, such as California, in songs and band names.

  6. Groups featuring bald guys? Just another way to get in another Smashing Pumpkins video? I'll take Spirit anyday. :-)

    Hearkening back to a Listomania from a few weeks ago: Why wasn't "I Got a Line on You? a big hit? Prototypical Power Pop masterpiece. This video might considered a nasterpiece:

  7. The “can’t you smell that smell” list of bad moon arisin' songs warning that there’s a-trouble a-comin’ or a-brewin’ or at least a-lyin’ in a-waitin’? Lemme guess: the answer is ... here it comes ... NO!

  8. Steve Simels4/09/2009 7:16 PM

    No, no, no no and lest I forget...


    And I Got a Line on You was, if not a big hit, then at least a big fave on early FM radio, at least in NYC. I seem to recall hearing it Top 40 as well, but of course I was on drugs at the time so I could be wrong.

  9. Steve Simels4/09/2009 11:13 PM

    Okay, just in case anybody's still here -- the clue is the band's name, not the song or it's theme.

    You're welcome.

  10. Songs about spirit. Or spirits. Or spirited songs about buildings and food.

    Thanks, I'll take the Amana Radar-Range.

  11. Songs about ghosts?

    Songs about strong drink?

    Songs about cheerleading (school spirit squads)?

  12. Songs about oh demon alcohol sad memories i can recall?

    Songs about god is a concept?
