Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Scenes from the Facebook Revolution

Yesterday, as I sat down to grade some of the hundreds of papers forming a wall between me, life, the end of the semester, and the project I really want to be working on, I popped open Facebook, as is my custom.

My new Facebook buddy Dwight Twilley announced that he was in the studio, recording "I Will," but that he needed the lyrics. In less than five minutes, I'd sent him a link, others had sent him things to his inbox, and presumably he had the words he needed to record.

I love Facebook.


  1. The Phantom Creep4/28/2009 9:11 AM

    "I Will" as in the White Album song? As in one of McCartney's most perfect pop gems?

    I bet Twilley could do a damn good job with that....

  2. I love the web in general. Look how many cool people I've met! :-)

  3. Maybe you should have shown him how to Google lyrics - you know, "teach a man to fish" and all.

  4. The first time we both saw Mott was when they opened for the Kinks and Grand Funk Railroad at the Capital in Portchester. They were touring the first album and put on a good show. Weird crowd, half were there for Mott and the Kinks, and the other half for Grand Funk.

