Sunday, June 14, 2009

Emmit Rhodes Collection

Just FYI:

Among the cult legends that populate the margins of contemporary popular music, the story of Emitt Rhodes remains one of the most compelling.

Compared by fans and critics favorably to the likes of Paul McCartney, Emitt Rhodes was arguably one of the most overlooked and underappreciated pop-rock singer-songwriters of the ‘60s/’70s.

Finally getting his due, Hip-O Select is proud to release The Emitt Rhodes Recordings, a newly remastered, two CD, 48 song collection features the four albums Emitt Rhodes released between 1970 and 1973 - the three ABC/Dunhill albums Emitt Rhodes, Mirror and Farewell To Paradise, and his one A&M album, American Dream, along with the non-LP single “Tame The Lion,” all showcasing Emitt’s intricate melodies, harmonies, and arrangements.


  1. steve simels6/14/2009 9:51 AM

    Indeed, but heretical as it may be, I think his teenage prodigy stuff as the Merry-Go-Round is even better than the solo work.

    "Live" and "Time Will Show the Wiser," in particular are just ridiculously brilliant.

    That said, I want this CD in the worst way.

  2. Steve,

    Agree with you totally...If Emmit is remember for anything, it should be for those two songs...He need not do anymore. BUT... "With My Face On The Floor" and "Fresh as a Daisy"...Just life affirming stuff as far as Im concerned.

  3. Also, the Hawthorne connection does not go without notice....

  4. steve simels6/14/2009 5:43 PM


    The solo stuff is great, don't get me wrong...I practically wore out my first vinyl copy of the debut when it originally came out.

    Super nice guy, BTW -- he played my old school when it came out, and I went to dinner with him.

  5. This set is fantastic. I can;t say enough good things about it. I think these LPs have never sounded better.

  6. I'm thrilled to see his old stuff back in print. I may have to get a copy of this (still have my vinyl copies, though). Poor Emitt got an infamously raw deal from ABC/Dunhill, and has had a rough time of things ever since. I hope this is the first step toward getting him up and recording again.

  7. Sorry for the delayed post on this- I've been out of town:

    "In 2009, after many years of rumors as to the possibility of a new CD, Emitt has once again entered the recording studios with a new band and all new material. He is joined by former "Merry-Go-Round" drummer Joel Larson, Co-founder & former bassist for "Counting Crows" Matt Malley and guitarists Jim Rolfe & Dan Mayer, from "Cody Road"."
