Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I'm in Heaven!

Good Afternoon,

Just found this amazing clip of the great Easybeats on the 'Tube and wanted to share. This is of course their brilliant 1967 single Heaven and Hell. These guys had an amazing knack of sounding totally contemporary, yet they were always able to inject their own personality into the formula of the time. Love the keyboard flourishes on this too, and Stevie seemed to be in a rather playful mood at this shoot.


  1. steve simels7/07/2009 1:37 PM

    Hole. E. Crap.

    This is their masterpiece, I think, and I had no idea the vid existed.

    Nicky Hopkins on piano, incidentally. And produced by the impossibly brilliant Glyn Johns.

    Wow, KC -- thanks so much for this.

  2. The Oasis brothers would give all 3 of their testicles for a song this catchy. Great stuff.

  3. Steve Marriot on bk vocs.

    This is one of a half dozen masterpieces!


  4. Really? I thought he sang on "Good Times"?

  5. steve simels7/07/2009 9:49 PM

    KC -- that's right. Plumber regrets the error.

    My big question is who's playing drums. It's definitely not Tony Cahill, the Brit who joined the band for the second album.

    But I'm not sure if it's original guy Snowy Fleet either.

  6. That's Jimmy Nichols on drums.

    (It's a joke!)

    Sorry about the Marriot mistake! I was just so excited to see an Easybeats video I'd never seen before.

