Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

In honor of the first day of Autumn, and well, because I really like it, here's the Kinks' 1967 single Autumn Almanac released on October 13th of that year. I always get a kick out of Dave's foppish Elizabethan threads from this era!


  1. Ah, I love this.

    It's on my short list of not only fave Ray Davies songs but fave songs period.

    Simply glorious on every level...

  2. That song places this one in context.

  3. Never heard that one before. Sweet...

  4. BTW, what the hell is Pete Quaife playing??

  5. KC --

    I have looked at that three times now, and I can't make it out. It seems to have the neck and headstock of a Fender Bass, but the body? Got me.

    First I thought somebody might have sawed the top off a Precision...

    But I dunno...it's possibly weird shaped small company instrument -- like a Vox Teardrop or something.

    Totally a new one on me, though...

  6. Love this period of Kinks, which I discovered in 1974 through the Kinks Kronicles double-LP, still a great great collection.

    Helped keep my love of the 3 minute pop masterpiece alive in the middle of the declining era of overblown psychedelic mush (Baron Von Tollbooth and the Chrome Nun, anyone?)....

  7. Ray was churning out stunningly beautiful singles throughout 67/68. Ah - for those good old days when the 45 rpm still mattered. Love that horn choir and that crazy sax lick.

  8. I love this tune. And "Victoria." And "Apeman." Nothing says a sunny day and walking along the Thames like these guys. Thank you, KC.

  9. one of fall's great joys.

    i actually posted this video to facebook, before i saw it here.
