Sunday, October 04, 2009

Bill "Cupid" Bartolin -- R.I.P

Bartolin, lead guitarist and songwriter for Ohio powerpop gods Blue Ash [top right in the picture], passed away this morning of complications from cancer. He had been diagnosed in September.

If you don't know these guys, let's just say they should have been household words and leave it at that.

The song above -- "Abracadabra ( Have You Seen Her)" -- is the leadoff track from their 1973 debut album, which remains essential listening.


  1. Wow! That's awful news Steve! I'm am so glad I went back to OH to see a Blue Ash reunion show last year! They were excellent and Bill was in top form. RIP Cupid.

  2. Thanks ... I can't believe I never heard of these guys.

    And, if you look really, really closely, you actually can see the opening quote marks (they're dark gray).
