Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Long Adieu

Well, for those of you keeping score, I'm home at last, and yes, as in the Chuck Berry song, I'm so glad to be back in the USA. After, admittedly, a rather magical week in Dayton, Ohio, if you know what I mean.

In any case, I should mention that while en vacance I did in fact prepare a Weekend Listomania for tomorrow, but somehow it must have disappeared from my computer into the Gallic ether.

That being the case, I've decided to take my first vacation from Listomania in over two years (since I started posting the series, actually. I'm sure you'll understand).

So -- no clue later today, and just normal posting tomorrow and ditto til next Thursday.

But while we wait for WL's return, here's a final tribute to the City of Lights.

From 1958, please enjoy the late great Screamin' Jay Hawkins and his sui generis paean to the great city "I Love Dayton Paris."

Incidentally, the album that's from -- At Home With Screamin' Jay Hawkins -- is one of the first (from the concept on down) rock album masterpieces, and behooves behearing. "I saw a Mau-Mau kissing Santa Claus" indeed.


  1. Man, ol' Screamin' Jay could sing a bit!! N'est-ce pas?

  2. Speaking of Dayton, the mind reels back to a young self-important, droll young man from Canton. One Mr. J. Patrick Otte.

    Have you ever heard from or of him again?


  3. I believe Mr. Patrickotte's secret identity was Mr. Louis Quatorze?

    Hi, Gath! Miss Griffith

  4. That is so delightful in so many ways. I have been known to put "I Put a Spell On You" on repeat for hours at a time. I cannot think of a better present for all of my relatives, close and dear, than "At Home with Himself".

  5. Oh, man, Steve! It's just not fair! You drop these gems in my lap and I can't keep up! Where the hell can I find this album??

    My only real connection here is that I've always been a fan of Fogerty's CCR version of "I Put A Spell on You." Right. I'm on the hunt, then.

