Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Somebody Busted a Button On His Trousers

As promised, my review of Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out, the Maysles Brothers' "new" documentary on the Rolling Stones at the Garden in '69 (i.e. the outtakes from Gimme Shelter), is now up over at Box Office.

GYYYO the movie is also available as a bonus DVD on the new 40th anniversary edition of the similarly titled live album. Needless to say, if somebody wants to get it for me for Christmas, I probably wouldn't object.

Incidentally, I saw the film on Friday at the IFC Theater in Manhattan, which used to be called The Waverly. Halfway through, it suddenly dawned me it's the same theater I saw Gimme Shelter in the week it opened in 1970. With a bunch of pissed off New York Hells Angels sitting and muttering in the row in front of me.


  1. There were good R&B bands coming out of the UK in the '60s, but only one communicated what I call the "Mississippi warning," the sense that they were getting so much pussy it threatened the social order.

  2. Very cool insight Peter! Expand on this thought, it's a great way of thinking about music that threatens proper society.


  3. Gimme Shelter is probably the scariest movie I've ever seen.

  4. Speaking of Gimme Shelter -- remember tThe kid in the Donovan cap who's in the front row trying to tell the Stones that somebody got killed?

    Somebody really needs to find him and discover what he's up to.

  5. they never really got it on until Detroit.

  6. Just laid down 2 twenties for the fancy, overpriced but necessary quasi-box set. I'll tell you this for free: I'd much rather read YOUR liner notes than this Ethan Russell, whoever he is... And is Mick Taylor getting any piece of this? Shame on them, if he's not... - bill buckner
