Thursday, December 10, 2009

If It's Thursday, It Must Be a Whimsical Early Clue to the New Direction

Okay, here's a brief but hilarious snippet from The Firesign Theatre's 1970 masterpiece Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers.

From You-TV, for You The Viewer, please enjoy the intro to a late-night airing of the Paranoid Pictures classic High School Madness! Starring Dave Casman as Porgy and Joe Berkman as Mudhead.

Seriously, if you've never heard this album it not only lives up to its hype as the Sgt. Pepper of comedy, but it's also one of the few counter-cultural artifacts of its day that's still fresh as paint. And laugh out loud funny, obviously.

In any case, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans its relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.


  1. Not quite as funny without the weed.

  2. Songs that you need good dope to appreciate.

  3. Songs with surrealistic titles?

  4. David said...
    Songs with surrealistic titles?

    Ooh, that's good, and I will steal it in the future.

    But no.

  5. Songs about going crazy?

  6. Just a student like you (like ME?) songs referencing high school?

    P.S. Stop singing and finish your homework

  7. steve simels12/10/2009 5:55 PM

    All good, but no.

    Here's a hint -- it's got to do with something actually said in the clip.

  8. Songs about authentic working people as sung by rich rock stars?

  9. Songs about Hollywood or movies?


  10. Since Hollywood and Movies are already taken, songs about TV or songs about You (or you on tv maybe)

  11. If it hadn't cut off before the theme song, I'd've said "Songs by female harmonizers."

    As it is, I'll guess "duets."


  12. Edward said...
    songs about You

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    We have a winner.

    Edward, your coveted No-Prize is winging its way to you by planaria caravan as we speak.

    Kudos, pal!
