Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beyond the Valley of the Canyons of Your Mind

From 1968 and their mindblowing psych-garage masterpiece The Mystical Powers of Roving Tarot Gamble, please enjoy the pride of Garfield, New Jersey The Queen's Nectarine Machine and their album-opening should have been a hit "Where Are We Going?"

The story of how I discovered this little obscurity, although interesting, must await another time, but until then two pertinent factoids need be mentioned. The first is that the song was produced by bubblegum auteurs Kasenetz and Katz, of "Yummy Yummy Yummy" fame. The second is that the album -- as you can see if you look at the top left of the cover -- bears the ABC Records catalogue number 666.

Coincidence? I think not.

I should also add that the song itself, which I think is infernally catchy, immediately reminded me of another tune that I couldn't for the life of me place.

And then today it dawned on me -- it's a ringer for a certain contemporary jingle for a well-known restaurant chain that's been haunting my dreams, literally, in recent weeks.


  1. Oh - at first I thought it might be for Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips.

  2. Wow, what an interesting mix of pop and pseudo-psych with kind of r&b vocals!

    I gotta find that record.


  3. Ack! Earworm! Curse you, Simels! :-)
