Thursday, April 01, 2010

Mother of Mercy, Is This the End of an Early Clue to the New Direction?

From 1987, more in sorrow than in anger, here's the most alarming pop music face off since The Paragons Meet the Jesters -- The Fat Boys and The Beach Boys and their utterly inexplicable (why, Lord?) hip hop remake of the surf instrumental classic "Wipe Out."

Words fail me, basically.

In any case, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who can figure out what the clip's relevance is to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.


  1. Well, bad covers and they should have known better have been done so...

    Best/Worst overweight rockers?

    Least likely duets?

    Chicks in bikinis?

  2. Songs that signal the final days are upon us?

  3. No and no, but I think I'm definitely stealing that final days thing.

  4. I kinda liked the Fat Boys!

    But this is tripe.

    Embarassing pairings?

    Bad decisions artists make at the end of their careers?

    Desperate attempts to revive a career?


  5. what happens when one mixes east coast and west coast drugs???

  6. Oldie groups doing songs with rap morons. Oy Vay!

  7. I'm sorry, maybe I don't belong here, but this was entertaining to me in a train wreck sort of way. Now, I couldn't watch the video more than 20 sec continuously, but I could make it through to the end of the song. I suppose it was worth it, hearing it as an unexpected pairing of some Beach Boys "bom bom BOW BOW" rhythm backing up some Fat Boys rapping. Maybe not worth hearing again, but...

    My guesses:

    Songs that clearly are from the 80's?

    Song concepts that were obviously generated by some marketing genius? ("I know, let's have the FAT Boys sing with the BEACH Boys! They're both BOYS bands, that work!!")

    Copy cat concept songs that fail, relative to the original? ("Hey, that Run-DMC - Aerosmith teamup was great! Who else would that work for??")

  8. Oooh -- songs that just scream The Eighties. Definitely gonna do that one done the line...

    But nooooo....

  9. I bet this was "inspired" by Aerosmith & Run DMC doing "Walk This Way."

    I bet both groups saw it as a straight line to career revival.

    Actually, it wouldn't be so bad if only it wasn't so s--l--o--w.

    Wipe Out's gotta be played at breakneck speed.

  10. The nadir of beloved musicians' existence?

  11. Okay -- a hint.

    It's not the song.

  12. Something about group names? Names that refer to males/females (boys/girls)?

    Something about the video? Most embarrassing video performances?

  13. All things ersatz surf.


  14. Fatso rock! (I can say that.)

    Leslie West! d. Boon! Chubby Checker!


  15. What was wrong with "The Paragons meet the Jesters"?

  16. Okay -- last clue.

    It's got something to do with a word in the name of one of the bands.

  17. I'm with Fowler - liked the song then, like it now. Sorry, Steve.
