Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's Different For Girls

Well, at least when the girl is the utterly amazing Cheri Knight on bass and vocals.

The song, which kills me, is called "All the Way Down," and it's from the 1992 EP Lone Green Valley by the equally amazing Blood Oranges, a criminally undervalued band that was alt-country well before the term achieved any currency.

Seriously, Knight's singing on this -- listen to the line "Some night it's gonna have my white throat by the moonlight and I'll be gone" -- just gives me the cold chills. When I consider that Cristina Aguilera is an international superstar and Knight is probably working a day job at this very moment, I swear to god I contemplate taking a hostage.


  1. Brooklyn Girl6/10/2010 12:38 AM

    Is that a Thomas Hart Benton on the cover?

  2. excellent song. I'll gonna look these guys up.

  3. Cheri Knight & the Blood Oranges are among my favorite acts thanks to your recommendation many years ago.

    From what I understand Cheri gave up her music career to become a yoga instructor and to commercially grow flowers on her farm.


  4. There's a little Susan Cowsill in that line you mentioned. Really nice.

  5. Sal -- I hadn't noticed that before, but you're absolutely right. Quite a resemblance, actually...

  6. Great song, great voice. Thank you for this one!
