Monday, June 21, 2010

Walk Like a...Whatever

From 1963, and written and produced by Pharaoh of the Falsetto Lou ["Rhapsody in the Rain"] Christie, please enjoy The Tammys and their thoroughly unhinged slice of girl group multi-culturalism run amok, "Egyptian Shumba."

The Tammys - Egyptian Shumba .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine
Somebody has described the above as Phil Spector meets Sun Ra, which strikes me as a little much. But I'll say this about those girls -- they sure made quite a...well, the word racket comes to mind.

To be honest, I hadn't given much thought to Christie of late until last week's Listomania, when reader Dave nominated this hitherto unknown to me Christie gem from 1966 --

-- which includes the immortal line "A flash of suspicion, you learned a new way of kissin'." Which brought me to Christie's Wiki entry and thence to the discovery of the compilation of his girl group productions and the quite astonishing song up top.

There's more research to be done about this stuff, I suspect, but not by me, I'm afraid. Seriously, that way madness lies.


  1. Ah, it's always good to be reminded that not all oldies are golden.

  2. Okay, by the end I was kinda starting to like it....

  3. I think it needs to be remembered that the year this came out was also the year Liz and Dick's "Cleopatra" was in the theaters.

    Context is everything...

  4. Gummo, I resonate with your first post much more than your second!


  5. I can totally imagine Fripp and Eno doing the instrumental track for that...

  6. Dave: "Fripp and Eno doing the instrumental track". That would be awesome, although King Crimson may have already done it and not let us in on the joke.
    Holy crap, that track is whack.

  7. In defense of Lou Christie, if the mafia boss of your record label walks into the studio and hands you "If My Car Could Only Talk" written by his cousin Vinny, and asks you to record it, you record it. Then if he asks you to include his niece and her two girlfriends singing backup, you do that, too.

  8. The Shumba is probably supposed to fun crazily fun, but actually sounds painful. Maybe that's the idea. AP

  9. make that "sound crazily fun" not "fun crazily fun." apologies. AP

  10. UGGGHHHH!!!!!


  11. My word verification is "voiding" ... I think that says it all.


    I laugh, though, at the thought of Lou being tortured by thoughts of his sweetie making out in his XK-E. With two low-slung bucket seats, a great big gearshift in the middle, and no back seat (or maybe one suitable for toddlers) the car was birth control device on wheels.
