Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stop Me If I've Told You This One...

But seriously, folks, this may be old news to some of you, but I only discovered the existence of this record yesterday.

Little Roger and the Goosebumps' version of Elmer Fudd singing "Fool on the Hill."

Not a bad idea, but the execution isn't anywhere near as funny as it could have been.

Frankly, I expected better from the wiseguys behind the immortal "Stairway to Gilligan."


  1. Note to self: Lame Dr. Demento crap less interesting to readers than expected.

    Hey, not every post can be a winner.

  2. Hard to top Stairway, though Kennedy Girl gets close;>

  3. solution to problem of low interest: declare National Pop Music Parody Week and make your blog NPMPW world headquarters.

    Word verification is readche, which, as Read Che, might be good advice for achieving above meglomaniacal advice.


  4. Elmer has lost all of his Fuddness, he needs to collaborate with T-Pain to get his creative stutter back in gear.

  5. I think the stutterer was Porky Pig.

  6. I had a chance to buy Stairway to Gilligan back in the 70's when it came out, but bought A Day In The Life of Green Acres instead. It was credited to Damaskas and Barnes & Barnes, but had a song by Little Roger & the Goosebumps on the flip side, something about making love in a Suburu.

  7. Thanks FD13NYC, Elmer needs to work on "Gliding of Liquids" ("weak /r/").
