Tuesday, November 02, 2010

It's Election Day!!!

And for those of you who still believe in the Schoolboy Myths of American Democracy™, I urge you to go out and exercise your franchise blah blah blah.

As for myself, although I will -- against my better judgement -- be joining you, from 1992 please enjoy the great Bonzo Dog Band's depressingly prescient take on today's ghastly Kabuki Theater -- "No Matter Who You Vote For, The Government Always Gets In."

Bonzo Dog Band - No Matter Who You Vote For... .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine
Noises on the radio
Megaphones on cars
Sermons from the Street of Shame
Know-it-alls in bars
Posters in suburbia
Experts on t.v.
Don't let them disturb-i-ya
They're just the powers that be

Heigh ho!
Don't worry
Nobody can win
No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in!

Oh, great, great slumbering nation!
Awake! Set yourself free!
Oh, smell the comforting bacon
Taste the bromide tea
And give a little chirrup as I ladle on the syrup
Promises are cheap
Let me bear your crosses
Make me Boss of Bosses
Then you go back to sleep!

Heigh ho!
Don't worry
Pop your cross in the bin
No matter who you vote for, the Government always gets in!

Men have dreams of a finer place
Incorruptible Shangri-la
Women too have their Shangri-Las
Shangri-La la la!

See them in the public eye
Oozing oily charm
Hear them all personify
Down on Animal Farm
Dog eat dog, not cock and bull
Isms are the game
Ism this and ism that
Ism it a shame?

Heigh ho!
Don't worry
Nobody can win
No matter who you vote for, the Government always gets in

What can I tell you -- I try to be cynical, but lately I can't keep up.


  1. 1992? There was a Bonzos reunion in 1992? Where the heck was I?

    And yes, that's a great song, but I am not surprised....

  2. Actually, the song was recorded in 1988, but not released until '92. Something to do with two different British elections, if memory serves...

  3. thanks for not posting I Want To Grow Up To Be A Politician. That song still annoys me, decades later. We need more Bonzos!


  4. Well, it looks like the Congressman most guilty of Crimes Against Rock and Roll, NY-19's John Hall, just got booted tonight.
