Monday, January 03, 2011

In the Future, Everyone Will Be On the Radio For Fifteen Minutes

And in my case, that happens to be this evening, shortly after 11:15 pm EST.

I'll be a guest caller to Virtually Speaking, featuring Susie Madrak of Suburban Guerilla -- the woman who introduced the phrase "hippie-punching" to the language during a recent presser with Obama administration spokesweasel David Axelrod -- and Phildelphia Daily News writer Will Bunch, Pulitzer prize-winning author of the definitive study of the Reagan administration Tear Down This Myth.

Oddly enough, we probably won't be talking about politics -- apparently, Will is a fan of PowerPop and wants to discuss what we like to call semi-popular music. Go figure.

Anyway, the show streams over here -- if you're up and sleepless later this evening, give it a listen.


  1. I like "semi-popular music" as a synonym for "power pop". Look forward to hearing this show.

  2. It's a phrase coined by Robert Christgau to describe pretty much anything rock critics like that doesn't sell many records.

  3. "Semi-Pop"

    Music for tween truck drivers!

  4. Ask Will if he thinks "You Didn't Have To Be So Nice" is power-pop or not!

  5. It gives me great joy to hear that we both consider Axelrod a feckless weasel.

