Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Cat's Pajamas (Part II)

From 1977, and their inexplicably underrated eponymous debut album masterpiece, please enjoy The Boomtown Rats (perpetually just fallen out of bed keyboardist Johnnie Fingers pictured below) and the intensely Stones-ish "Close As You'll Ever Be."

I've been looking for an excuse to post this track -- which, had it been released as such, would doubtless have been on my Great Lost Singles of the 70s list -- for ages. So kudos to reader The Phantom Creep for pointing out Fingers' fashion debt to Stevie Winwood in The Ghost Goes Gear yesterday.


  1. sonia ninotchka delauney5/10/2011 9:52 AM

    steven, he looks like he is decked out in auschewitz attire.....

  2. Note to self:

    Second tier New Wave keyboard players in their sleep togs less interesting to readers than anticipated.

  3. Note to you. Post stuff that is interesting. Stop slagging. Song is pretty good though.

  4. I think the word you're looking for is "slacking," not slagging.

    And your concern is noted.

  5. Or to put it another way --

    "LISTEN KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night. Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes. "

  6. Blue Ash Fan5/11/2011 11:20 AM

    Not uninteresting at all, Steve. Gimme more late-70s New Wave-y posts.

    I'm in 100% agreement with you, Steve. I found that album in the import bin in '77 -- no small accomplishment given that I grew up in the boonies -- and proceeded to play it to death. At that point, I was buying anything I could get my hands on that even looked remotely "punk." The album was ridiculously overlooked. "Joey's on the Street Again" was the best Springsteen rip I'd heard up to that point.

    Honestly, I think the first three Rats disks are must-haves. After that, I lost interest. Too many bad production habits kicked in.
