Thursday, May 05, 2011

They Had Sweaters Then

From January of 1966, please enjoy The Spencer Davis Group's quite authoritative version of Ray Charles' recording of Hoagy Carmichael's "Georgia on My Mind."

I'm bringing this up because the album -- which I'd never heard all the way through -- was posted over at the invaluable Never Get Out of the Boat last week, and when I went to download it yesterday I found to my dismay that the Intertube Police had taken the site down. I'll keep you informed as to future developments.

I should add that Steve Winwood -- on vocals and piano -- was all of 17 years old at the time of the performance being committed to magnetic tape.

I should also add that I just love -- nay, lurve -- that photo and the cover art direction generally. Which, incredibly enough, by the standards of the 60s, is just an averagely good piece of work.

I dunno...there must have been something in the water back then.


  1. "Never Get Out of the Boat" is/was a great site.

    Because of it's remarkable postings of Marvin Gaye last week, I am not surprised to see it once again chased off the internet.

    Cutting edge music criticism and downloading often finds itself with it's throat cut by the powers that be. I can't blame them,

    NGOOTB often pushed the edge as to what is acceptable free downloading. While I could love being able to download 5/6 Marvin Gaye albums at 320mb, if I was the record company I'd be seriously pissed off at NGOOTB. Just when is it too much?

    Keep us posted to it's return.

    Welcome back from your tech problems.


  2. A very nice photograph for the cover. Deep focus, but not brightly lit. Keep still, guys.

    I don't miss vinyl's susceptibility to damage, but an album cover's big square format led to lots of terrific design. (And more than a few gruesome covers, too.)

  3. fmcg:

    I've been trying to get a hold of you. E-mail me when you get a chance.

  4. Wow. An amazing rendition. If it hadn't been for Ray, this would've been the defining version.

    And Winwood at 17.


  5. Brooklyn Girl5/05/2011 4:46 PM

    Winwood was, and still is, great.

    And I miss the 12 x 12 format, if just for the artwork and liner notes alone.

  6. More from this in one week -- on May 12, Steve Winwood's b-day, please?

  7. Oh my, that swing break at 2:26.

    Oh my.
