Friday, September 02, 2011

Our Talented Readers (An Occasional Series)

Still in DivShare hell, so no Listomania this week (I'm working on it, I'm working on it).

But in the meantime, from 2001, please enjoy sterling New York City tribute band Tru Brit, and -- in keeping with our discussion of the other day -- their ace live cover of the glorious Manfred Mann hit "Pretty Flamingo."

That's frequent commenter FD13NYC [pictured right] on second guitar and harmony vocals, BTW, and a splendid job indeed. Kudos and huzzahs all around.


  1. Great high harmony! Guys do any originals?

  2. I sang and played for many years with Mr. FD13NYC, and few could harmomize with such ease. Good stuff.

  3. Good show, chaps. Great band name, too.

