Monday, January 02, 2012

Everybody's a Critic

Troubling news from Friday's edition of The Indiana Star:
INDIANAPOLIS — Oh, say can you . . . sing?

And, more importantly, can you sing it the "right" way -- the way one Indiana lawmaker thinks the national anthem should be sung?

Sen. Vaneta Becker, R-Evansville, has introduced a bill that would set specific "performance standards" for singing and playing "The Star-Spangled Banner" at any event sponsored by public schools and state universities.

The law also would cover private schools receiving state or local scholarship funds, including vouchers.

Performers would have to sign a contract agreeing to follow the guidelines. Musicians -- whether amateur or professional -- would be fined $25 if it were deemed they failed to meet the appropriate standards.
Fortunately for Jose Feliciano and Roseanne, this can't be enforced retroactively.

Nonetheless, I think somewhere in Hell, this guy... getting really pissed off.


  1. I'd like to put a star, a spangle & a banner right smack dab in the middle of Sen. Asshole's forehead.

  2. 90% of the performances of the song at sporting events make me cringe. I wonder they would be within the guidelines. All the amateur (and yes professional)showing off
    in attempts at proving something, while forcing the song to be something it isn't. So first, I wonder if that sort of thing would be within Sen, Songpolice's "guidelines". Second, I have to say, still, no one has any business trying to regulate anybody's artistic expression, and third, what did Jimi ever do to end up in hell??

  3. Sen. Becker must be preparing to run for president!


  4. Brooklyn Girl1/02/2012 10:27 AM

    Nice to see that yet another elected official is spending her time on the really important stuff.

  5. Brooklyn Girl1/02/2012 10:28 AM

    And I find your use of a clip with a German voice-over particularly ironic.

    My word is "chorking."

  6. You VILL sing the Star Spangled Banner!!!!

  7. It's always Republicans innit?

  8. Kid Charlemagne1/02/2012 4:59 PM

    Have you ever spent a couple of evenings in Indianapolis? They could use a little excitement there!

  9. All sporting events should begin with "Red Dragon Tattoo." That'll show'em.

  10. Do they get a 25$ bonus for doing a GOP-bang-up performence?

  11. A good friend once said "For a number of solid reasons, we really should change the national anthem to "America The Beautiful", but ONLY Ray Charles should be allowed to sing it."

  12. classic case of a pol recommending something because he/she thinks that's what their electorate wants.

  13. A high school teacher pointed out to me once, that the ritual of playing the national anthem at sporting events is pretty inappropriate. What do sporting events have to do with patriotism? Shouldn't the anthem's performance be reserved for more appropriate and dignified venues? Like the Iowa cockuses [sic].
