Thursday, March 08, 2012

Studio Fooling Around of the Gods (An Occasional Series)

John and Paul work on "Blackbird" at Abbey Road Studios on June 11, 1968.

As you can hear, Paul is channeling his inner Elvis at this point, which I find particularly droll for some reason

Incidentally, there are a bunch more clips on YouTube from these sessions, but be warned -- in some of them, you can actually hear She Who Must Not Be Named at her most gnomic.


  1. Note to self: indulgent goofing around from 40 years ago less interesting to readers than hoped.

  2. Robert Johnson went to the crossroads and came back with the ability to play great guitar, John Lennon went to the crossroads and came back with Yoko!


  3. John's clearly still doing acid at this point. ;-)

  4. ...and still doing Yoko!


  5. Yoko jokes still? Honestly.

  6. "The only reason people don't like her music is because she's a woman and an Oriental."

    Hey, John said it, I didn't. Of course it's funnier in that National Lampoon "Tragical Misery Tour" that Tony Hendra did.

  7. I would have thought Paul had that great guitar part first, then the lyrics and tune. It is so interesting to hear them putzing around looking for the song.

    I know that when I say this, I may be stepping on pins and needles; But I don't like all these people
    slagging her for breaking up the Beatles.

    Nah, actually, screw it Page, I DO like it when people slag her for breaking up the Beatles.


  8. Listening to a few of the others, I think she had a nice, sweet speaking voice. Quite pleasant to hear.

    That is all I am going to say about that.


  9. Harlan Ellison has the best one-liner about Yoko from his late '60s / early '70s television review column for the LA Free Press, charmingly called "The Glass Teat"; however, I won't quote it here because it is, shall we say, Politically Incorrect.

  10. Please quote it, it's not fair to tease us like this.


    I pick on Yoko not because she broke up the Beatles (they did that just fine on their own) but because it's fun to pick on her.
