Tuesday, March 06, 2012

That Was Steve's Promise, Not Mine

Because I just noticed--probably the last person on earth to do so--that the "acid scenes in Julie Taymor's surprisingly watchable Across the Universe:

Are actually a pretty direct homage to the Monkees' Head:

Weird, huh?


  1. The Phantom Creep3/06/2012 8:30 AM


    Incidentally, "surprisingly watchable" is a pretty good description of Across the Universe.

    I was prepared to hate it going in, but it's actually quite an estimable piece of work.

  2. I'm sure "Across The Universe" will only make me mad. I'm steering clear.

  3. Buzzbabyj:

    It doesn't suck. Believe it or not, I came out of the theater thinking gee, Julie Taymor kind of IS a theatrical genius.

  4. Your opinion carries some weight, I'll stop actively avoiding it. K?

  5. BTW, the NYTimes piece today about the lawsuit between Taymor and the producers of the Spiderman musical -- complete with scabrous stuff about a drunken Bono -- is pretty darn funny.

  6. Hey, buzzbabyjesus: I also found Across The Universe watchable (if not entirely enjoyable, courtesy of the annoyingly literal approach to some of the songs), but if you are going to watch it beware the sequence featuring Eddie Izzard as Mr. Kite. I thought it was horrid. I like Eddie Izzard, and think he's mighty funny, but his appearance in this movie... horrid. (Like a third-rate impersonation of Oliver Reed at his drunkest. Ugh.)

    However, you may enjoy it. (After all, you're not me and I'm not you.)

  7. Peter, I heartily agree. I don't know what Izzard was thinking.

  8. Thanks for looking out for my sensibilities. Most likely I'll see it on a plane or in a hotel room.
