Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hey, At Least It's Not Another Nixon Post

Okay, as long as I've been on a political kick for a couple of days and/or talking about Something Fierce -- i.e., the greatest pop/rock band you've never heard of -- here's their absolutely wonderful 1996 Billy Joel/Elton John-ish tribute to the most important Supreme Court guy of our time.

"Poetic Justice Thurgood."

Yeah, I know I put this song up a couple of years ago, but it sort of seems relevant, so what the heck.


  1. Dude--You've got to take down the Elvis Jacket thing. It starts playing each time the page loads, and "All Shook Up" gets more annoying every time I hear it. Thanks.

  2. Fuck the politics (which I agree with) this SUCKS!!!!!!!


  3. I think its hilarious. Sorry.

  4. Steve, what shape is that piece of vinyl? The sleeve indicates that there are two B sides.

  5. I have a question. Didn't you used to have a link to the audio for Poetic Justice Thurgood? I can't find it anywhere on line now. If you know where I can find it, please help me out. Thanks in advance if you can point me in the right direction.
