Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Hmm...Somebody seems to have slipped a fish into my martini."

From 1960, pleathe please enjoy America's Poet Laureate, the immortal Percy Dovetonsils, and his "Ode to Stanley's Pussycat."

Percy, of course, was the creation of the late great Ernie Kovacs, one of my personal heroes since childhood, and the clip itself is a track from the just released Percy Dovetonsils....thpeaks, a comedy album that Ernie recorded in 1960, but that for some reason wasn't released at the time. It's out now thanks to the same vault researchers who have been unearthing Kovacs' TV work on DVD for Shout!Factory (along with some bonus tracks) and I can say without fear of contradiction that nothing released to the public this year will tickle the vicinity of your auditory canal any harder.

I should add that you can order it, in the format of your choice (CD, mp3 album or vinyl) over at Amazon here.

I should also add that "the vinyl release will be limited to 1000 copies pressed on limited edition lavender vinyl, with future pressings to be made available on black vinyl thereafter."

Words fail me.


  1. Boy, some days you really have to set yourself on fire to get a reaction.

  2. Can't wait to get this.

    Percy should have been our National Poet Laureate.


  3. Even better -- Shout Factory is putting out another 6 dvd collection of Ernie's TV work in time for Christmas. Apparently the first one was a much bigger hit than they'd expected....

  4. Well, he's sure no Dane Cook. And for that, we are eternally grateful.
