Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Take the PowerPop Challenge!!!

And speaking as we were last week of the incomparable Brit chanteuse Sandie Shaw, behold in breathless wonder this 1966 clip of Ms. Shaw, absolutely live, on some French TV show in 1966.

Now -- tell me she wasn't the greatest white girl pop singer of her generation.

Go ahead -- I dare you.

[h/t JZ]


FD13NYC said...

And pretty hot too.

steve simels said...

I had such a crush on her back in the day. I mean MAJOR.

Shriner said...

Grace Slick? Mary Weiss? Lesley Gore?

I would rank all three higher.

But she's hot...

buzzbabyjesus said...

-"the greatest white girl pop singer of her generation."

I always thought that was Jackie DeShannon.

GLLinMO said...

Being a tad younger than SS - no major crush. But seems like the real thing. Picking nits - the producton could have been better. That will have to keep me from putting her in my "top 5" female categoty. Not sure she can top Marti Jones on my list, but still pretty good.

Love this blog for bringing up so many things i missed or forgot about back in the day. Thanks much - to all!!!

Roadmaster said...

If you're going mid-1960s, Nancy Sinatra and Mary Weiss have the one-up on Sandie Shaw, IMHO.

But did you give any consideration for Kathy Kirby?

I was going to give Lulu some consideration...But thought better after digging into her material. However, listening to Lulu's other material - you can see the taproot for Cyndi Lauper.

steve simels said...

Shaw rocked harder...