Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Revolution Will Not Appear on YouTube

Well, here's an interesting little recently discovered historical artifact.

To wit -- a mini-documentary shot at my old school in 1970, a few weeks before Kent State and the attendant ugliness. Featuring just about every hippie on campus at the time.

And if you want to know how it felt to be an early 20-something at a liberal arts college at the ass-end of the counter culture era, you really can't do better than this.

Oh, and speaking of ugliness, it also features a brief glimpse of yours truly. In perhaps the single least flattering look I ever essayed.

Although in my defense, I suspect I was extremely stoned at the time.

I should also add that the aforementioned old school, C.W. Post, was the only college in America which had an SDS chapter that actually held a bake sale.

Finally: Kudos to my old chum (and the film's director) Jeff Allan, who recently rescued this priceless time capsule from pre-digital obscurity.


  1. Well, hello, Snaggletooth!

    Can't see the video, though.

  2. Just click on the middle of the image.

  3. 'tis good to see our old friends so GD energized and so very well documented...and nearly all still here and still committed--so thanks gil scott simels,you revolutionary dude you!

  4. The cream of the jest is that the school paid to have that movie made.


  5. Video removed by the man.

  6. If you can't watch it here, and you're on Facebook:

  7. the school paid for it--a wise investment in higher education
