Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Un Pour Tous, Tous Pour Un

Okay, I don't know who photo-shopped this, but it's just wonderfully sweet. And I hope my posting it makes up for the fact that I missed John Lennon's birthday yesterday.

By the way, the funny thing is that, circa 1966-67, the Fabs were actually trying to come up with an idea for a non-musical film project. Given what A Hard Days Night and Help! diretor Richard Lester later did with his Musketeers movies -- two of the best swashbucklers ever made -- it's really too bad nobody thought of this at the time.


  1. "Richard Lester later did with his Musketeers movies -- two of the best swashbucklers ever made.."

    And how! Love those films.

  2. they were going to do "The Hobbit" or "Lord of the Rings" (I'm too lazy to look it up)
