Monday, May 06, 2013

À la Recherche du Phil Seymour Perdu

And speaking, as we were last week, of the (sadly) late Phil Seymour, a faithful reader reminded me of two other gems from his solo career.

So, from Phil's 1980 eponymous debut elpee, please enjoy the wonderfully kinetic "I Found a Love"...

...and the ineffably poignant "Precious to Me"

Both of those have guitars and riffs to die for, of course.

I should also add that the Deco film noir-ish office complex in the video is the fabulously spooky Bradbury Building in downtown Los Angeles, which has been featured in countless movies and TV shows over the years.

And which is now number one on my list of places I have to visit before I die.

[h/t FD13NYC]


  1. The Bradbury building is not Deco, as it was built in 1893, and is considered to be Italian Renaissance Revival. One of the more famous of the countless movies is "Bladerunner".
    The Phil Seymour tunes sound like above average Dwight Twilley. Duh.

  2. I did not know the Bradbury was that old; I regret the error on the attribution of the architectural style.

    Incidentally, my two favorite appearances by the building are in the classic Harlan Ellison-penned OUTER LIMITS episode "Demon with a Glass Hand"

    And the 90s CD-ROM game "Noir."

  3. The Bradbury has a wiki entry:

  4. WOW
    Love "Precious To Me"
    And All Phil Seymour
    The Site Is Named POWER POP
    More Like This!

  5. A fantastic find. These will be the next works I'll need to dig up. I did not realize Phil had been gone so long.
