Saturday, May 25, 2013

Picture, 1000 Words, Etc.

Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan, backstage at a Dylan concert (at Rutgers University, if memory serves) in 1965.

I hadn't seen that one till the other day, and it's still inducing a serious "oh wow" in me.

In any case, if both those guys aren't speeding their fricking brains out, than I'm Marie of Rumania.


  1. Nice. Bob's playing in Camden, NJ at the end of June.

  2. I saw him in Brooklyn a couple of months ago. I was expecting the worst, and it was absolutely transplendent.

  3. I was thinking they were speed demons, and formulating my comment when I got to the bottom of the post.

  4. I've always found this picture disturbing. Dylan looks like his head about to do a 360 on his neck.

  5. ^^^ *is*

    "*is* about to do..."

    (Crappy keyboard!)
