Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Baby That is Rock 'n' Roll: Because Nothing Says "A Wop Bop a Loo Bop A Lop Bam Boom" Like a Flannel Shirt

From 1968, please enjoy Creedence Clearwater Revival and perhaps my favorite version of a Little Richard song -- "Good Golly Miss Molly" -- ever.

Most of Little Richard's hits -- and the vast majority of the White Boy covers of same (cf: The Beatles doing "Long Tall Sally") -- have a gloriously over the top, absurdist abandon. Not so this one, which -- to my ears at least -- practically drips dark menacing atmosphere.

Seriously, you could segue from this directly into "Run Through the Jungle" without anybody thinking that the mood had changed.

In any case, there are few things in the entire history of rock-and-roll more exciting than the way John Fogerty's screams lead into the last guitar solo on this.

Also: hand claps.


  1. I fully agree, great searing cover. From a terrific album. Well actually, all the albums leading up to their (Sgt. Pepper) Cosmo's Factory were exceptional. A refreshing wave of game changing music in the late 60's. Hey, it's better than Pat Boone's Little Richard covers. Which until this day make me cringe and creep me out. Nice post!

  2. The hits just keep on comin'!

    Nothing less then total winners each time out, keep 'em coming.

    Allan R.

  3. See what you mean, although I'm not a Creedence/Fogerty fan. Still, NOTHING touches the LR original, with Earl Palmer on drums. It is the greatest single rock and roll record ever made, it says here.

  4. That was Palmer on yesterday's song, BTW.

  5. Reverence and purism can get kind of dogmatic. Creedence's version is salacious. How can one not love it?

    Let me tell you a true story. My parents sent me to this godawful Christian School for Eighth Grade Junior High. After Christmas break, the lame ass teacher wanted us all to share our vacation experiences with each other by getting in front of the class and making a presentation.

    I somehow convinced the teacher to allow me to play the new Creedence album because I had purchased it around that time. I told her it was a Christmas present, but I was lying. I got Beggars Banquet for Christmas that year. Bayou Country didn't come out until shortly after the new year. Just being accurate.

    I loved Creedence. If you lived in Southern California at the time, Creedence's first album was ubiquitous. During summers and holidays kids used to go to Parker, AZ on the Colorado River to water ski, party and, most importantly for us girls, have sex. From the late Sixties through the early Seventies Creedence was a big part of the soundtrack for "River Rats."

    I lost my cherry to Creedence's version of Suzie Q. at the Colorado River during the late summer of 1968. So, naturally, for me, it's the definitive version. It's certainly the best one to fock to.

    On the 8 track it took up all of Program A, so we'd hit the track repeat button and carry on. I went to the river in 1968 with a long haired nineteen year old construction worker who had his own ski boat. I was thirteen going on Twenty-five.He didn't have a clue how young I was.

    That's how I wound up having my parents send me to this wretched Christian school, using Creedence's Bayou Country for my class presentation.

    I was always partial to the first two tracks on Side Two: "Good Golly, Miss Molly," and "Penthouse Pauper." Since my time was limited, those were the two songs I chose.

    Just before I began, a couple of parents and school board members came into the classroom to sit in.

    I dropped the needle on GGMM. The brainwashed Christian kids seat rocked unaware of what a filthy song it was. But I knew. "Penthouse Pauper" barely got underway when a school board member put a stop to the ungodly music. I was summoned to the principal's office and summarily kicked out of their school for two weeks because I was broadcasting "worldly music." The teacher was also disciplined.

    So don't think I couldn't relate to Jethro Tull's "Wind-Up" a couple of years later.

    Vickie Rock

  6. Vickie:

    That is one of the all time best comments anybody has ever posted here.

    Wow. A great story, wonderfully written. Thank you.

  7. they did "Travelin' Band," why touch GGMM? There are certain songs you just don't cover.
