Thursday, September 05, 2013

The Goys of Summer

My ailing computer is currently being deloused, or whatever the kids call it, at my local mom and pop computer store.

So posting will be unexceptional for the next couple of days, until it returns to me. Hopefully after the weekend.

But while we wait -- from 1967, please enjoy the sole recorded artifact of Brit psych-pop purveyors The Pyramid, the astoundingly gorgeous "Summer of Last Year."

Or as we like to call it here at Casa Simels -- the greatest Zombies single the Zombies never made.

Incidentally, said Pyramid included a guy called Iain Matthews, who later made a pretty fair name for himself as a founding member of Fairport Convention, among other things.

In any case, it astounds me that I hadn't even suspected the existence of the record until a couple of days ago.

[h/t FD13NYC]


  1. Zombies?

    I hear The Association. "Along Comes Mary" and stuff like that.

    Pleasant but unmemorable 60s pop.

  2. Then all very good obscure one off 60's singles would be unmemorable. Not everything could be a hit. Discover Gummo, discover.

  3. I love it. That interweaving vocal thing with great harmonies.

  4. Oh, I have a ridiculous amount of obscure 60s pop/rock, etc.

    And no, "obscure" doesn't equal "unmemorable."

    "Unmemorable" = "unmemorable."

  5. Huh?? So you a have a ridiculous amount of unmemorable 60's music. Obscure or otherwise.

  6. Sorry Gummo, let's not start something here. I have a vast collection of music myself, and I consider all of it to be memorable. But, to each his own. Have a great day!

  7. Very fun, thanks Steve! Glad you're back, even with your computer in limbo...
