Friday, November 29, 2013

Have a Very Guess Who Post-Thanksgiving Weekend!

And in tribute to the original inhabitants of our noble republic, i.e., the people the Pilgrims stole it from, please enjoy Burton Cummings and the rest of those loveable canuckleheads with their stirring renditions of both the venerable oldie "Running Bear"...

...and their own perhaps less politically troublesome hit "Rain Dance."

You know, some days I find myself thinking that those guys were like the greatest band ever.

Then I usually get over it.

In any case, see you all on Monday.


  1. A good band nonetheless. Hey, they had hits!

  2. Don't get me wrong -- I think they were great, no snark intended.

  3. they were a fantastic band. Check out "Sour Suite."

    Or the post- "Shakin' All Over," pre-RCA era "It's My Pride."

    Yeah, a "guilty pleasure" because they had AM hits. No such thing as a guilty pleasure, you like it or you don't.

  4. I remember you specifically being a true fan back in the Stereo review era.. I loved American Woman and the hits but you turned me on to So Long Bannatyne and Rockin' among others. I think it was you who claimed that Gary Brooker and Burton Cummings had two of rock's greatest voices.

    But perhaps I mis-remember all of this...

  5. No, you remember correctly.

  6. I agree with you, both then and now. Cummings has a fantastic voice for rock and roll.

  7. "Heartbroken Bopper" got some radio play in SoCal. "Rockin'" is my favorite. "Back To The City" is another good one.

  8. Lurrve the Guess Who. The band had a killer string of hits back in the 70s. Laughing, Undun, No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature, and my favorite No Time.
