Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Your Wednesday Moment of Words Fail Me

Okay, he's not Otis Spann, but what the hey -- he's pretty funky for a pachyderm.

Ladies and gentlemen -- please enjoy Peter the Elephant.

I'm reminded of a great New Yorker cartoon from a few years ago; a bunch of bears are walking out of a movie theater that's showing a film called The Salmon, and one of the bears says "Gee, I didn't realize they had feelings too."

[h/t Gregory Fleeman]


  1. Note to self: Atonal banging by exdtremely large mammals less interesting to readers than hoped.

  2. Sounds a bit like Terry Addams.

  3. Sounds a bit like Terry Addams.

  4. Maybe if CRAZY ELEPHANT or ELEPHANT'S MEMORY ever re-form, Peter could be part of the group. Or he could do a solo cover of "TUSK" or "PEANUTS".

    J. Lag

  5. An elephant tickling the ivories.

    The ironies abound, obviously.

  6. Hey, I liked it Steve. More impressive than the playing was how obviously into the music both elephants were... heads bobbing, arses swaying.
    Pretty awesome, but pretty sad too.

  7. What Pete said, but with his name spelled correctly.
