Sunday, February 09, 2014

My Two Cents (Special Beatlemania Edition)

If you claim not to have enjoyed that Beatles 50th anniversary thing on the Orthicon tube just now, you're just being difficult.

PS: Dave Grohl (and to a lesser extent Jeff Lynne)... a living saint.


  1. I'm with you, Steve. I had my bile gun cocked and loaded and it never came out of the holster. Mostly all fantastic. I didn't even mind Annie Lennox playing the wrong chords on "Fool On The Hill."

  2. Since when does Jeff Lynne play a Telecaster?! Maybe Joe Walsh was a good influence on him...

  3. Paul has played "Sgt. Pepper" hundreds of times with his current band, as has Ringo played "With A Little Help From My Friends" with his recent bands. However, I believe last night (or whenever they taped it) was the first time they ever played them together, back to back, live on stage. And that made it worth watching.

  4. Eh...needed more old guys.

    I love looking at Alicia Keyes, but her singing? Ditto the Magic Dragons (or whatever they're called) John Mayer (lol) and Katy Perry. Ed Sheehan can stay. And yeah, I'm with you on Grohl, but where the fuck was Eric Clapton, Jagger, Pet Townshend, George Martin, et al?

  5. Brooklyn Girl2/10/2014 5:14 PM

    I think there was the right balance between "old guys" and young guys. Some of the young guys weren't great, and they will probably fade from the scene (they certainly won't have much impact on it), but at least having younger performers made it clear that the Beatles' music is timeless.

  6. BG: I still would have preferred if they made that point with Ed Sheehan and Dave Grohl, and used the time spent on Katy and Co. on better artists.

  7. I missed this last night (don't ask...), but just found a YouTube clip of the Joe Walsh / Gary Clark Jr / Dave Grohl version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Pretty damn hot if you ask me.

  8. Brooklyn Girl2/11/2014 10:20 PM

    BG: I still would have preferred if they made that point with Ed Sheehan and Dave Grohl, and used the time spent on Katy and Co. on better artists.

    Oh, with that I agree.

    I was fine with Keith Urban. But Maroon 5? Not so much.

  9. Jeff Lynne is the latter-day Fifth Beatle.

  10. Dave was here in DC the night the pre-taped special aired. we left Inner Ear (where Foos are recording) to go watch it in a Clarendon bar.

    He's good peepull
