Wednesday, May 14, 2014

We All Lose Our Charm in the End

So here's the outfit I had planned to wear to the big Shoes/Paul Collins show in Brooklyn last Saturday (and more on that transplandent event later in the week).

Fortunately for me, the day before said big show, the proprietor of this here blog posted the 1980 video for "Don't Wait Up For Me" (which I had never seen before, I swear) in which Paul is wearing...

...pretty much the same thing. Thank you, Mary, for saving me from a major fashion faux pas.

I should add, however, that the whole thing may have been rendered moot by the fact Collins has put on a couple of pounds and shaved his head since that video was shot.

In fact, onstage over the weekend he pretty much looked like this guy...

...except with a guitar.

He was still cooler than I'll ever be, of course.


  1. I think you could have weathered the fashion faux pas storm.

  2. Ha!

    Last year Mrs. Gummo & I attended the New York premier of Birdemic 2. She originally planned to wear a fetching loose black top with blue trim, but changed her mind at the last minute.

    She was surprised/mortified/gobsmacked when the woman who plays Natalie's mother -- a very large older woman -- reprisng her role from the first movie, appeared on screen wearing the EXACT SAME TOP as Mrs. Gummo had just barely rejected as her evening attire.

    Considering that the producer, director and stars of the film were in attendance, this would hardly have gone unnoticed.

    She still winces at the might-have-beens to this day.

  3. People would have said, rightly, that I was trying too hard.


  4. Just telling an apropos story I thought might amuse you.

  5. Stop squinting and stand up straight. Polish your shoes. Don't speak with your mouth full.

    Arghhhhh!!! You kids these days.

    Allan R.

  6. Brooklyn Girl5/14/2014 1:51 PM

    Oh, I don't think Collins looks like Victor Buono! I think he looks more like Captain Hook, only without the hair. And the hook. And the boots. And the jacket.

    Oh, never mind.

  7. Uh oh. He's that fat now?!? I knew about the chrome-dome thing but has his weight gotten that out of hand? Visually that's rough, but I guess everyone ages differently, give or take a sandwich.

    Is he embarrassing to watch? Does he need to hang it up? What about his voice? Is that shot too?

    Say it ain't so. Nothing gold can stay. From power pop icon to Count Manzeppi. Bummer.

    Vickie Rock

  8. I knew about the chrome-dome thing but has his weight gotten that out of hand? Visually that's rough, but I guess everyone ages differently, give or take a sandwich.

    Is he embarrassing to watch? Does he need to hang it up? What about his voice? Is that shot too?

    Say it ain't so. Nothing gold can stay. From power pop icon to Count Manzeppi. Bummer.

  9. No, he is not fat. He looks and sounds just fine.

  10. Thanks for the great pix link, Anonymous. He seems relatively fit in the photos from 2013. He looks like a cross between Telly Savalas and Theo Marcuse and someone else that I can't put my finger on from today's cinema.

    Vickie Rock

  11. Vickie nailed it. Telly Savalas and/or Theo Marcuse.

    With a guitar.

  12. bask bask.

    Now what about that overdue report on the Paul Collins / Shoes concert, Simels.

    Come on already! I am not a patient woman. Lay it on me.

    Vickie Rock
