Monday, July 28, 2014

Burning Wood 2008-2014

Sad news: Our good pal (and frequent PowerPop commenter) Sal Nunziato has hung up his spurs at his incomparable music blog -- after five and a half years of unmitigated brilliance and fun -- for good.

You can -- and should -- read Sal's farewell post over HERE.

I've known Sal for a little over two decades, in both his capacities as the proprietor of NYCD -- my local record store back in my final days in Manhattan -- and as proprietor of the aforementioned Burning Wood. Apart from just being an all around great guy, in both capacities Sal has, over the years, turned me on to so much wonderful music (that I'd have never been exposed to otherwise) that it's literally incalculable.

So I'd like to take this occasion to say -- as I probably should have eons ago -- thank you, buddy.

I should also add that -- if pressed -- the following song and band are the one(s) I'm most grateful for having first encountered over the sound system at NYCD.

A life-changing moment, Sal, and one of too many others to mention I owe you.


  1. I still click on Burning Wood out of routine. the discussions were way different than most music blogs.

  2. I worked in the same neighborhood as NYCD for 20 years. I went there for most of my lunch breaks, and bought a few thousand cd's. Sal is a great guy, and I know we'll keep in touch, but I'll miss Burning Wood. I really honed my commenting skills there, and here. Finding the balance between snark and good clean fun. Thanks.

  3. Steve,

    Nice post!

    Burningwood has a big place in my musical heart and now ...

    Always aware of what Frank Zapa said about broken hearts ... I'll sure miss Burningwood.

  4. I feel like I've lost a friend; the kind of friend you couldn't wait to share your latest enthusiasm with, hoping he might love it too, but who would give a good listen and honest opinion regardless.
    Even though I usually posted as Anonymous (cuz it's quicker, and I may be weird) Sal always replied generously.
    His Weekend Mixes were great and his regular posts were always informative and stimulating.
    So thanks, Sal. (He's not accepting comments over at Burning Wood, probably to avoid seeing sentimental nonsense like this.) Too bad.

  5. Sal was kind enough to indulge me, both on his blog(s) and my own. I've yet to meet him in person, but I'd like to think as fellow record store clerks who occasionally fit the grumpy stereotype, we'd be friends. Should his prose return to the interwebs, I'll be among the many who will be glad he's around.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I wasn't a frequent commenter, but I never missed a post. But don't worry, Burning wood will live on in the weekly mixes that Sal posted each week. I looked forward to those every Friday morning and they never disappointed.

  8. Hear hear. I'm just grateful that Sal kept it going as long as he did.

  9. I miss NYCD (it was my neighborhood record store) and I'll miss Burning Wood. But nothing's worse than slaving on a project that you'd rather give up. When and if Sal wants to return, he'll find a way to find us. (I'll keep Burning Wood in my RSS feed, just in case).

    The biggest compliment I can give to Sal as a critic/blogger/CD store owner is that he has "open ears," including a willingness to change his mind, always a good sign in the world of musical geekdom.

    Have fun, Sal and thanks.

    Dave F.

  10. Yeah, I could pile on with how much I'll miss Burning Wood, but I won't. If a muse leaves you, it does. Sometimes you find it again, sometimes a new one takes you to a different place.

    I'm sure Sal will still be around the blogosphere somewhere. Just not on his landing spot...

  11. Hello, please remain seated,

    My turn....Not sure which links led me to Burnin' Wood a few years back. But I'm pretty sure I discovered PowerPop from Sal's site. Burnin' Wood was inavariably interesting and was a harmonious mix of music that I'm passionate about, great stuff that I've never heard, and some that I had no interest in listening to. In other words, a perfect mix.

    And the comments section was always fun. May his ears always be happy.

    Yours too, Steve.


  12. How does one download these divshare files? My firefox add-ons don't seem to do it anymore.
