Monday, November 10, 2014

Ineptitude Killed the Radio Star

All four brilliant hours of last Tuesday's edition(s) of my pal Captain Al's intertube radio show -- featuring a guest star whose name rhymes with Sleeve Nimels, cracking wise and spinning some interesting tunes and stuff -- can now be found at the vault section of Area 24 Radio right over HERE.

Just scroll down to Lost at Sea for 11/04 and 11/05 and click on the links to enjoy big time professional broadcasting two guys goofing around (and one of them was swilling elitist chardonnay). I think you'll particularly enjoy the 1943 Albert Brooks Show that closes hour four; as Brooks says in the intro, it's wonderful that some of his pre-natal work has survived.

I should add, however, that my microphone seems to have been set at a lower volume level than that of my host -- I smell conspiracy!

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