Thursday, February 26, 2015

Darkness at Noon

And just to show that I actually like music recorded in the current century, from this very year in fact, please enjoy L.A.'s The Rebel Light and their interestingly ominous yet infectious "Strangers."

Recorded and produced in their "humble little shack of a studio" and sounding, as somebody at the NME observed like "the Beach Boys colliding with the Doors." I'm not sure that's exactly apt; there's definitely a revisionist sunshine pop thing going on here, but if I pressed I'd say it's closer to the Mamas and the Papas going out to dinner with Echo and the Bunnymen.

In any case, a very cool song -- you can find out much more about the band over at their website HERE.

You're welcome.


  1. Very nice. Not far from what The Explorers Club is doing. The first couple of albums by The Thrills also spring to mind.

  2. Like it. Is the rest of their work worth investigating?

  3. Nice. Great recording! No matter where they did it. Even if it was in a toilet in Yucaipa. It's close enough to San Bernardino for me. Probably about as close as you'd wanna get these days.

    I don't hear the Doors in this music at all, however. Beach Boys either. Though I do hear the latter in the in the Explorers Club, which Hannes so fittingly mentioned.

    Good call on Mamas & Papas meet the Bunnymen. What the Rebel Light needs is a very special girl in the mix. Then they'd be monsters.

    Like the mix posted below a little better. Sounds more like a single should sound.

    Vickie Rock - In the perfect summer sun dress.

  4. Eh, the "moody/echoey/poppy" thing was done (and better, I reckon) a couple of years earlier by Australian band Deep Sea Arcade:

    Deep Sea Arcade - "Lonely In Your Arms"
    Deep Sea Arcade - "Steam"
    Deep Sea Arcade - "Girls"

  5. Ken J: The Rebel Light has a YouTube channel with a few videos on it:

    Beware: One of the songs there, "Jukebox Dream", contains some fairly dreadful singing.

  6. The Deep Sea Arcade stuff PPP provided has more psych elements than the Rebel Light.

    I hear a lot of World Party in the Rebel Light tune provided.

    They play around L.A., but I've never seen them. Seems like this stuff would be hard to pull off in a live setting.

    Strangers is a dynamite tune, though.

    Vickie Rock

  7. Hey Vickie: I agree about the psyche elements in Deep Sea Arcade. But when I heard the The Rebel Light song I was instantly reminded of the Australian band's echo-laden and catchy-ish* ditties.

    (*How catchy they are depends on how catchy you find them.)
