Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Through a (Pair of Reading) Glass(es) Darkly

Well, maybe the night has a thousand eyes, but I only have two, and one of them isn't working so hot at the moment.

That said, the above video may be the damndest thing I've ever seen anyway.


  1. Yow! That's a real eye opener! It looks like they're all hopped up on goof balls! That might be an early Jackie Treehorn production, I'm pretty certain a few of them were in Logjammin'.

  2. The goofiness of stuff like this doesn't bother me.

    What *does* is the fact that none of the dancers are on-beat with the song. Little things like that bother me for some unknown reason...

  3. This is wrong on so many levels I almost want to go to grad school to write about it.

  4. My wife says, "Looks like the same choreographer as The Ten Commandments' Golden Calf scene. They both are trying to pull off being sexual yet wholesome, which just comes off looking really awkward. The leg move on the motorbike, ugh."

  5. No, man, this is the best Scopitone ever. There is nothing wrong with Steve's eyes, whatsoever. Robert Altman had Lili St. Cyr to work with on "Ebb Tide" and he didn't come close to this.

    In my area they had a Scopitone Jukebox at a local burger joint where kids used to hang out and ditch school. The Joi Lansing vids were the most popular. You know, the one where she's dancing in a spider web. So campy and wonderful.

    Occasionally they run these on music video channels or between features on TCM. Even though Night Has a Thousand Eyes is different to actual single version does anyone really care.

    These were done in Hollywood. I know cuz my mom was in one for the Hondells when she was in her late twenties. She had me when she just turned eighteen. Ah.... the fearless Fifties.

    Vickie Rock - The ceiling undulates ... the fault of some strange pill.

  6. They should show this to novice priests to confirm them in a life of celibacy.

  7. What kind of guitar is that? Can't see any knobs. But I do see major bulge action in the blue speedo. Batman and Robin never filled their pants like that. Nevertheless, the dude's not my type.

    Also, where could I find that little white beach number with fringes. I simply loooove it. Have to have it.

    Do you think the the beaver shots were scripted? I need to find out who directed this one. Whoever it is, is a stone genius.

    Vickie Rock - With a blue moon in my eyes

  8. Also, is that George Takei?

    Vickie Rock - Words that have no form are falling from my lips.

  9. Is he playing a Hofner?

  10. Hey Vickie:

    One Joi Lansing "Web Of Love" video comin' up...

  11. Thanks PPP.

    All the schoolboys used to plunk money into the Scopitone jukebox to drool over a woman who was pretty close to forty at the time. And I'm not talking about her breast measurements. Though it wouldn't be far off. I'm wildly guessing 38DD, as bra measurements are subject to a lot of variables. At any rate, she was old enough to be their mother. But what a MILF! She died young. Guess why? Breast cancer.

    My mom danced burlesque at the Pink Pussycat for a couple of years. Sometimes the production company that did the Scopitones would use girls from the club. That's how she got her gig.

    Vickie Rock - Touching Down
