Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Closed For Monkey Business

Dealing with plumbers today, which is always fun.

Regular, non water flow-related postings resume on the morrow. And stay tuned for a brand new -- no fooling -- Weekend Listomania on Friday.

But first a test of the service that may replace Divshare.

Holy shit -- it works! Yay!!!!


  1. It works well. And good product placement!

    Dave F.

  2. Works good! and you can download with ease.

  3. Nigel Tufnel5/20/2015 2:41 PM

    I love the song--but I'm buggered if I can figure out who it is. The Great Gazoogle is no help.

    More on topic, Box seems to work well. I prefer it to SoundCloud because the player has a built-in volume control.

  4. My 80s band. The Floor Models. It's our first new song in 30 years, but it's not finished yet. Electric 12 string scheduled to be added in a few weeks.

    Glad you enjoyed it.

  5. Nigel Tufnel5/20/2015 3:48 PM

    I did indeed. I thought for a minute it was Arlo Guthrie doing the lead vocal! The guitar is practically Byrdsian.

  6. Works good.

    Capt. Al
