Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Continental Drifting

The best reissue news I've heard in ages.

A great, great band.

More info -- including a track from the album -- at the link.

Have I mentioned that these guys were a great, great band?


  1. Great news, thanks for the info! Loved their album Vermillion.

  2. Huh -- never knew about the "Nineteen Ninety-Three" album (looking at their discography). I have the rest of their stuff. Pretty good material

  3. Tuesday night jams at Raji's with the Psycho Sisters. That was great while it lasted.

    No more jams. No more Raji's.

    Vermillon is a great album. I sold quite a few import copies of the album when I did that, moonlighting to support my CD addiction.

    They opened for Dylan at the Pantages in 1992. I went to the show with a guy I never met before. He arrived at my place as a stowaway on a potato truck from Idaho. He met an old boyfriend of mine in Coeur d'Alane who referred him to me because of my passion for music.

    This guy was obsessed with Dylan. Way too much so. He came to Cali for the Pantages shows. Oh, did I mention that he was from Holland? Spoke fluent English though. Unfortunately, everything out of his mouth was Dylan. I got sick of him really quick. So I turned him loose in my music room where he drooled over and played all my Dylan bootlegs.

    I wasn't planning on seeing Dylan, but since this obsessive nut case found it his life's purpose to see Zim Zim, I bought tickets to three of the shows. Dylan had a great band but their lead singer really sucked. I liked the openers better, but I knew to keep my mouth shut around the Dutch Dylan devotee.

    The guy, whose name was Pieter Vander Something-Or-Other, spent four days at my place. I went about my usual business as he lingered in my music room practically having an orgasm over each Dylan bootleg. The guy didn't even get high. Go figure.

    Being a generous sort, and kinda getting a kick out of seeing how much this guy loved Dylan, I paid for all his tickets. Me and Sandy cooked and shared meals with him. No matter how often we changed the subject, he always brought the conversation back to Bob.

    When it was time for him to leave, he informed me that he had maxed out his credit card. He wondered if I could loan him the money for bus fare and an airline ticket. He would pay me back when he returned to Holland.

    I was tired of him and wanted him gone. I took care of the tickets over the phone. He wanted to take the bus to L.A., spend the day there, and fly out the day after. I was swimming in drug money at the time so I gave him an envelope with a couple grand in it and told him to have a good time. He swore he'd pay me back, but I told him it wasn't necessary.

    The next day he got arrested climbing over Dylan's fence in Malibu. Dylan's dogs bit the shit out of him too. Oh Pieter, Pieter, Pieter.


  4. The band deserves a reissue, and I would have liked to see them live. I agree with the others who cited Vermilion as a great album. Two of the band's five albums (Listen Listen and Nineteen Ninety-Three) are kind of hard to find.

  5. Used to be a regular at their residency at Raji's in Hollywood...great, great band in whatever configuration they were in. (Always fun to scream "Funk #49" at them...and they'd always play it.)

    I've got two sets they played on KCRW's "Morning Becomes Eclectic" that I have to digitize one of these days, before the oxide falls off the tape.

    Heard Gary Eaton went a little wingnutty, though. Shame–he wrote and sang some great songs.

  6. Yeah, they did lots of covers back then. I taped a few of those shows on my D-5 with some AKG's. I think I made note of who the guests were at each of the shows. My live cassettes have been in storage for the past decade. Fuckin' boxes of shit stacked to the ceiling from front to back.

    Even though the tapes are sorted alphabetically, the boxes aren't labeled. Never have your kids and their friends help you move stuff around. Especially when they think it's an excuse to party. Last time they helped me they all got naked and bubble wrapped each other, among other things .... Next time I'm getting some illegals at Home Depot.

