Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Meet the Beatles

Courtesy of friend of PowerPop Steve Schwartz, a heretofore unseen pantomime video for the Fabs "Hello Goodbye."

Words fail me, except to say, as Steve is wont to do, that it is absolutely amazing that fifty years later, there is still new Beatles footage surfacing. It really was true that they were the most photographed human beings on earth in the second half of the 20th century.


  1. Very interesting! There are several different videos of "Hello Goodbye" on YouTube, i like the ones with the hula girls endings. Check out the hottie on the lower left on this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suEUPQFSJm0

  2. You can see why we've never seen this footage before. The film has a half assed unfinished feeling to it. The Beatles have no idea what to do to make it interesting and clearly are not into it.

    The last shot looks like an outtake from the official Hello-Goodbye video. Maybe someone got ahold of this footage and dubbed in the Ed Sullivan voiceover.

    Heck I'd bet a nickel that's the case.

    Still a great song and great single!

    Capt. Al
