Friday, July 10, 2015

Actually, a Pretty Good Country For Old Men

Guitarist and keyboard whiz of the original Youngbloods -- (that's him on the right in the photo) -- Lowell Levinger (aka The Artist Formerly Known as Banana) -- with a gorgeous take on his old band's signature tune.

I have loved this guy since forever, and I would like to go on record as saying that it is a major cultural tragedy that -- to my knowledge -- there is no quality audio of the original four-piece Youngloods live; trust me, I saw 'em in a small club in 1967 and they were as good as it gets.

In any case, I think that video is quite wonderful on a number of levels.

[h/t Peter Spencer]


  1. By most accounts the guy who wrote this truly great song, Chester Powers (aka Dino Valenti), was a real asshole. Go figure. Among other things he falsely claimed to have written "Hey Joe," by Billy Roberts.

  2. He was in the original lineup of Quicksilver, if memory serves. But yes, apparently an asshole.

  3. The first three (RCA) Youngblood's albums are great!

    This clip is really cool. Any idea where it's from?

    Capt. Al

  4. If all the women that slept with Jesse Farrow bought his records, he'd have a series on Number One's with a bullet.

    The Avalon Ballroom tape of the Youngbloods circa 1969 is pretty outstanding quality. I have a vinyl bootleg of it which came out in 1980 or 1981. Good stuff.

    And, of course, it's on youtube

    Put your hand on your hip and let your mind roll by.


  5. Not as good as the original line-up, Vicki. Jerry Corbitt was irreplaceable.

  6. Agreed. This is more San Francisco noodly.

