Monday, July 06, 2015

Your Monday Moment of Words Fail Me

From 2012, and somewhere in the mystic East, the Pen Friend Club cover The Beach Boys' "Please Let Me Wonder" live in their basement.

I can't find much biographical info on these kids, but apparently they're big in Japan major 60s pop fans...

...and you can buy some of their studio stuff over here.

[h/t Tony Jannelli]


  1. Great song, nice attempted cover. Rickenbacker bass, Mosrite guitar, very neat!

  2. The lead singer has a voice to die for.

  3. Steve,

    And it's hard to believe that this was one of Carl's first lead vocals for the Beach Boys. This is one of the songs I play for folks when I try to convince them why BW is my favorite composer -- this is a charming performance (I also love their cover of "New York's a Lonely Town"):

    Dave F.

  4. Are you familiar with The Fendertones? Their latest effort is stunning, and includes more than a few ringers:

  5. Dave -- don't know those guys, but will check 'em out toot sweet. Thanks!

  6. Steve! Right?!! What's in the water over there? These kids have it.
    Glad you dig it too. I've watched this over and over, always amazed.
