Friday, September 11, 2015

Dark Side of the Something

From the latest MOJO compilation, please enjoy Pink Floyd's David Gilmour (and his son Joe) and a cover of the Fabs "Here, There, and Everywhere."

Gilmour is a guitarist whose stuff, while obviously accomplished, has always left me cold, although he did very nice live work with McCartney some years ago. In any case, while this isn't the greatest Beatles cover of all time, it's certainly pleasant.

See you all next week!


  1. MOJO, what a great magazine! But who can keep up?

    When you think about the Beatles version of "Here, There & Everywhere," you don't necessarily think about it having balls. But Gilmour's lame version makes it abundantly clear that it does. He's just another old, boring progressive fart. His solo stuff should be marketed as a cure for insomnia.

    But he had some stellar solos with Floyd, even though I've heard all that stuff so much it's made me fucking numb.

    VR - R.I.P. Steve Dallas. Pete Malloy ain't got nothin' on Tod Stiles. Get your kicks on Route 66. Cue Nelson Riddle.

  2. You realize, of course, that you've opened the door to a debate as to what IS the greatest Beatles cover of all time...

  3. I haven't a clue, personally.

  4. You pointed to The Strypes some six weeks or so back, Steve, so I listened to The Strypes latest, LITTLE VICTORIES, while biking around and around and around Prospect Park today. Very good. Not great, but very very good. And less Eddie and the Hotrods (whose first two albums, TEENAGE DEPRESSION and LIFE ON THE LINE, are markers for all things punk and pop punk) than Hoodoo Gurus, but with a greater old-fashioned Brit boogie flair. And Hoodoo Gurus albums had big mixes and a panoramic-type sound, which I didn't pick up on LITTLE VICTORIES. But The Strypes sounded like they were doing something new, and I can only imagine how good they might be in a moderate-size club.

    Another thing I listened to this week that caught my ear was a Sub Pop band, The Helio Sequence, whose shoegaze-meets-New Order feel on their sixth album, THE HELIO SEQUENCE, is one of my cups of tea. Plus the lead singer, Brandon Summers sounds a little like a younger Steve Miller. But as is the case with shoegaze, the vocals are multi-tracked and moved into the middle, or in this case, the middle-front of the mix. Really nice stuff, though.

    Anyone else hear new stuff worth listening to?

  5. I can only imagine how good they might be in a moderate-size club.

    And I'd pay good money to see that.

  6. I've been getting into Ezra Furman and The Dollyrots.

    Capt. Al

  7. Wade Jackson - Whiskey Alpha Delta Echo

    VR - Surf's still up. I live for these kinds of days. To leave now would be coitus interruptus.

  8. Jai Guru Dave9/11/2015 11:05 PM

    Best I have heard in a long time.
    Not PowerPop, by any means. But they are (for me) the second coming of The Band.

  9. Try to say that guitar solo isn't gorgeous.

  10. In another venue, rock critic John Mendelssohn was talking about what was the most beautiful song in the pop/rock canon, and he argued for "Here There & Everywhere" over two candidates that I would also champion, "Waterloo Sunset" and "God Only Knows." His argument is that the way to test what a great song is to hire a talented singer and pianist and have them sight-read from sheet music. Mendelssohn argues that GOK and WS are aided immeasurably by the arrangements and productions, essentially mimicking the Grammy distinction between best song and best record categories. I guess I line up with VR here -- to me, this is a decent cover of an indestructible song.

    Dave F.

  11. Thank you for your new music suggestions.

    @Captain Al -- I like the Dollyrots, and have BAREFOOT and their great CHRISTMAS EP, which has a very funny I SAW MOMMY BITING SANTA CLAUS ... uhhh ... cover, and Ezra Furman's going to be in Brooklyn in October, though I've never seen him, and I do hold him responsible for the gender-fluid hyphenate. I promise to listen to PERPETUAL MOTION PEOPLE.

    @VR -- Didn't know Wade Jackson had a 2015 album, for which I can only blame myself, and I don't see his albums on Amazon OR on Discogs. I do have his GOODBYE RAIN, which I recall as nice smooth country-ish rock, and I must go back for a listen. He's another guy who's probably great in a smallish-to-mid-size club.

    @JGD -- That's exactly what I need, a recommendation-reason to listen to the new Dawes. Great album title, too.

    There's one other great album title -- and a really good album -- by a band called Beuuty Pill out of DC. The album title's DESCRIBES THINGS AS THEY ARE, and the band's playing near me at a small club for $15.00. I might even have a SECOND beer that evening!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I got "Revolver" when I was a kid and I could never figure out which song I hated more, this, or "Michelle". It still bores me to death.
    At least Dave's version has a few quirks like the disonant piano tinkling. INMHO it's better than he's getting credit for here.

  14. Mark: My apologies. I neglected to note that you qualified the new artists as "worth listening to." I misread as "new artists you are listening to." Wade Jackson doesn't quite have it. He comes from a lotta cool places but I don't hear much that could sustain him. Though at times he flirts with being interesting, he's really mediocre. Sorry.

    BBJ: regarding Gilmour - For me it sounds like the lyrics are being read from cue cards by a bad actor. I don't hear any passion in the vox. Not crazy about the production either. Too glossy. It's just stiff. And not in a good way. I'd rather hear it done by Claudine Longet:-)

    And if "Michelle" and "Here, There and Everywhere" are the worst Beatles songs, I got some Wild Honey Pie for you:-)

    VR - I'm toe-tally surft owt, man. Waves are getting shittier anyway. What a great week.

  15. I prefer the Belarus cover of Here There Everywhere.

  16. Joe_Sez: You are fuckin' A right on that one.


  17. I'd rather sit through "Wild Honey Pie" than either "Michelle" or "Here etc". At least it's short.

  18. Apparently, the guys in Belarus have a member of the band on radar in case they get too close to the actual chords of the song.

    Sorry, that's an interesting version without actually being good.

  19. SS: A bit rigid this morning?:-)

    VR - Maybe it's the surfer's ear.:-)

    P.S. BBJ: Does that mean you're accepting my offer?:-) I assure you, there is nothing ephemeral about it:-)

  20. Regarding that Belarus cover of "Here, There And Everywhere"...

    Thanks, Joe_Sez, for mentioning it. (And thanks, anonymous, for the YouTube link.)

    I enjoyed it, but what I heard was a band simply borrowing the lyrics from "Here, There And Everywhere" and putting them in a different song.

    In other words, that song by Belarus ain't "Here, There And Everywhere". It's just a song that has those lyrics.

    1. Well, it was interesting and I play it occasionally on YouTube. I prefer it over say Todd Rundgren's cover a favorite of mine, strawberry fields.

  21. I've never understood the purpose of Todd's "Faithful". None of those covers are exactly.
    VR-I accept, but scheduling could be a problem.

  22. BBJ: I'll do my best to squeeze you in to my tight, tight agenda.:-) Like body surfing much?


  23. I used to body surf at the Wedge on 8foot days.

  24. I remember that, yes. Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of something you could hang in my gallery:-) I am a collector by nature and always searching for something new and expressive to share with Sandy. It is an art, you know.


  25. And every artist needs inspiration.

