Friday, October 30, 2015

Cleveland Fucking Rocks!

So a certain Shady Dame and I are off to the heartland to spend a weekend gawking at the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame.

Sounds like fun to me -- see you all with new postings (including photos, one assumes) on Monday


  1. Have a good time. The only thing I remember from my two (!) trips to the Rock Hall is seeing Richie Valens' childhood roller skates on a table of stuff that looked like it came from a garage sale.

  2. You've got to hand it to Hunter. He had a rip-roaring Punk-era single 'England Rocks' that foundered with the Overnight Angels fiasco. So he did a Wilbert Harrison and repurposed it- and thanks to Drew Carey it's now perennial. Strange that no one questioned what "she's living in sin with a safety pin" had to do with Cleveland, Ohio.

  3. You'll have a great time. The wife and I were there 2 years ago. Much fun!

  4. enjoy. I went and made it as far as the lobby. Couldn't bring myself to pay to get in. saw a few good freebies (John Cippolina's rig). Of course we were passing thru Cleveland so it wasn't like we were there just for the HOF.

  5. Just saw Skip Spence's fringed jacket from the Moby Grape cover.

    Words fail me.

  6. I'd probably get over myself and have fun there anyway. Skip's jacket is pretty deep.

  7. Took my son and one of his buddies to the RRHOF when he graduated HS back in 2008. It was interesting, but a bit of a ripoff. The cafe was pretty good, as I remember.
